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Department of Chemistry Internal Pages

Creative staff knit, cook and sing their way through the lockdown

Personnel Administrator Emma Graham decided to take up knitting, but was a little bit unsure about her first attempts. “We weren't sure whether the first one was a dog or a rabbit," says Emma, "so we called it Dabbit."  But her talent soon developed, and since then she has been knitting these adorable NHS frontline bears for the NHS.

Below: "Dabbit"

Delicious delicacies

Many staff members have been sharing their baking creations in a What’s App “Coffee Time” group. Pre-lockdown, these delicacies would have been shared in the Cybercafé at coffee time. Now we can only look at the photos and hear our stomachs grumble.

Top from left:
Receptionist/Secretary Lynn Davies:  "Emma, you inspired me to make scones!"
Secretary Beth Wilson:  "Bobby's first loaf."      
Finance Manager Ann Searle:  "Managed to get some plain flower and rhubarb from the garden so made a rhubarb cobbler."
Reception Supervisor Sheila Bateman: "Here is a rare sight - a sponge made with Madagascar vanilla, poached pears, and fresh whipped cream."

Musical creations

Under the name "Cylink", Sanha Lee, who is a PhD in the Goodman research group, composes and mixes dance music (see our feature in the Summer 2019 staff newsletter). Sanha has written in to share his latest creation "Anywhere You Go", which was released on 20 March on the Grammy-nominated EDX record label.  You can listen to it here:


Regent house

On 27 March, Head of IT Tim Dickens 'virtually' attended an official meeting of the Regent House, which is the official governing body of the University of Cambridge. Meetings of the Regent House are known as Congregations, and as Senior Pro-Proctor of the University Tim's duty was to read the Grace and announce in Latin all the degrees taken in absentia.

What a Regent House Congregation looks like on Zoom.





And let's not forget the staff members who are helping to keep the Department open. Here are just a few of the many staff members who have helped take a turn at manning Reception so that essential staff can enter the building to ensure equipment and building safety.


Emma Graham, Jo Lockhart, Rafel Cabot Mesquida  and David Woollard holding the fort in Reception. "It's cold!!"

Other creative outlets

Things to do with children

BBC Bitesize Home - online support for primary and secondary school aged children.

Cultural activities

National Theatre At Home - world class theatre online.

Helping others

Helping others is a great way to feel good - see Action for Happiness for ideas.