Communications and Web Team
The Communications and Web team have overall responsibility for all content on the department web pages. As part of this remit, we provide training for department members who manage the content of particular website sections. We use the Drupal content management system for our web pages and adhere to the overall look and feel of the University of Cambridge Project Light template.
The department website is composed of many ‘microsites’ which can all be individually edited. Examples include the Library, Human Resources and Teaching microsites. We provide training for all microsites, including Research Group pages which use the department template (see, eg, the Vignolini Research Group microsite). Some research groups choose to create and run their own websites. We cannot offer training for sites such as these, which are not hosted by the department.
If you ever have any questions about departmental website content, or would like to request a new feature or website section, please contact one of us in the first instance. If we can’t deal with your request, we can direct you to the correct channel.
Our remit also includes:
- Training in how to edit the website.
- New features relating to the department website.
- Website policies.
- Chem@Cam alumni magazine
- Chem@Cam staff newsletter
- The department Twitter account (@ChemCambridge)
- Fundraising literature
We would love to hear your news! We are especially interested in:
- Your latest research, particularly if you have a paper about to be published in a major journal. We put articles about research on the website, Twitter and in Chem@Cam.
- Promotions, achievements, research results, awards (local, national and international).
- Personal news - marriages, births, deaths, activities - for the staff newsletter.
We are:
- Diane Harris, Project Delivery Manager and Chem@Cam editor:
- Caroline Reid, Communications Assistant:
You can also stop by our office, room 142 on the first floor (across from Marita Walsh).
Questions relating to purely technical issues (eg, My computer won’t start! My email doesn’t work!) should always be directed to