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Current Postgraduate Students


The Buddy Scheme is designed to create support for the new intake of postgraduate students from those who have just completed their first year of PhD study (sometimes more) in the Department.  All students going into their second year will be assigned incoming students (or second/third years that have also volunteered) to support and guide new students in an informal way.  Procedurally, it has been agreed that:

  • All incoming first years will be assigned two buddies:
    • One from your research group (please contact your supervisor if you have not been allocated one)
    • One from a different research group within the same RIG (the Postgraduate Education Team will allocate one for you).

Buddies can be expected to provide informal advice on arriving in and being in Cambridge but it should not be seen as a major time commitment and as such, buddies should not normally be expected to provide support in serious matters: students requiring this type of support should approach one of our Departmental Postgraduate Student Support Team or their College Postgraduate Tutor.

Note: If you are a Lent or Easter starter, there may be a delay in allocating you a buddy as part of this scheme. It is most likely you will be assigned a buddy for the following Michaelmas Term.

Click here to find out who your allocated buddy is.

(Please note: the list will be updated and made available a couple of weeks after Induction in MT. If you started before MT21 and would like to know who your buddy is please contact the Postgraduate Student Coordinator)