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Current Postgraduate Students


What is it?

First year and MPhil students take part in 'Peer-to-Peer Presentations'.

A non-intimidating, hands-on opportunity for first year postgraduate students and MPhils to present their research to a mixed-RIG group of scientists who are also at the same stage in their studies.

  • Students should give an overview of their research area and project aims for a non-specialist audience.
  • Each presenter normally has a 15-minute slot (10 for the talk, 5 for questions).
  • The talks for these sessions will vary greatly in content because LT starters are unlikely to have a great deal of results. The point is not to impress peers with your results but to learn key presentation skills.

Why are you doing it?

To improve your presentation skills, both by having actual practice, receiving feedback from those who hear you speak and seeing other styles of presenting that you may wish to adopt yourself. 

There is a compulsory element of your first/MPhil year where you are expected to present your research and findings so far to your academic mentor. Students may wish to arrange this meeting prior to their scheduled peer-to- peer presentation in preparation for, or following it, having taken on feedback from their peers. Once completed, all students will be required to send a confirmation email to the Postgraduate Education Team following its completion.

When is it?

In 2025 P2P presentation week is scheduled the week commencing 31st March 2025.

How does it work?

  • The scheme is compulsory for all first-year PhD students and is optional for MPhil students
  • First-year PhD students who are divided into around five groups of 10-15 each.
  • MPhil students will be divided if the numbers require it.
  • Groups are deliberately taken from all RIGs to help students learn to present to a mixed audience.


  • Each member of the audience is required to fill in detailed feedback sheet during each talk, which is given to the presenter at the end.