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Above from left: Emma Solaas, Elzy Robinson, Kathleen Pickett, Jill Stewart, Xani Thorman and Jasmine Mitchell.

The department summer garden party was held this year on the lush green of Trinity Hall's Latham Lawn on Tuesday 30 July.

Cold drinks and shade

It may well have been the hottest day of the year, with temperatures hovering around 30 degrees, but the catering team were prepared with iced water, sparkling elderflower and even Pimm's, and of course tea and coffee. Several impressive trees with blankets spread underneath provided comfortable spots to chat and play giant Jenga and giant Connect 4 (watch out for Xani's superior Connect 4 skills!). Those prepared to face the heat of the sun also took part in some friendly (but competititve) croquet.

Oh, the food

The delicious food was displayed safely out of the sun in an adjoining hall, and guests were able to help themselves to a selection of sandwiches, scones with lashings of clotted cream, strawberries and yet more cream, and several types of mini cakes and pastries.


Latham lawn delightfully backs onto the River Cam, where two punts were ready for use by courageous staff members looking to cool down with a boat ride on the river, while simultaneously avoiding the numerous tourists and learner drivers. Postgraduate Education and Admissions Manager David Morgan gamely agreed to propel one boat - which was brave indeed as he had never punted before! By comparison Stefan Oswald, a postdoc in the Grey group who captained the other punt, had a wealth of experience -- he had punted once before! The rest of us were happy to go along for the ride, which was  somewhat alarming, often comical and ultimately enjoyable.

The entire afternoon was extremely pleasant and diverting, as you can see by the photo gallery below.