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James Keeler pulling Christmas cracker with Kathleen Pickett and Sam Douglas

From left: James Keeler, Kathleen Pickett and Sam Douglas enjoy a Christmas cracker at the staff festive party.

Staff were full of seasonal good cheer as we enjoyed our first live end-of-year party since 2019.

"A very warm (cold) welcome," said Head of Department James Keeler as he started his annual end-of-year talk in a somewhat frosty BMS lecture theatre, which reflected the snow and icy conditions outside. James noted how much conditions had changed since January when we were still wearing face masks, staying left on the stairs, keeping our windows open and there were no lectures at all in the BMS, and said how marvellous it was to see the department gradually come back to life as restrictions were gradually lifted.

Amongst many other events, James highlighted the Department's successful renewal of our Athena SWAN Silver Award in October, and the renaming of the Department in an official ceremony in July.  James congratulated the Department for its excellent performance on the REF, a five-yearly exercise which measures the research quality and teaching of all the higher level institutions and their departments in the UK. He also mentioned some of the many prizes and honours our researchers had been awarded over the past year, giving a special nod to Professor Dame Clare Grey, who was awarded a DBE for her services to science, in what turned out to be the Queen's final birthday honours list.

Finally James noted how very seriously the Department takes the wellbeing of its staff. After the isolation of Covid lockdowns, it has been a pleasure to participate in more social activities throughout the year, including Pilates, the MacMillan Cake morning in October, regular wellbeing sessions organised by Kathleen Pickett, and of course culminating in the end of year party (see photos below), which followed the talk. "It's easy sometimes to lose sight of the scale and ambition of the department," he concluded. "But it is an unbelievably busy place, and you all help make our 'village' work. Thank you for making it all possible."

Without further ado, James wished all staff a relaxing and healthy break after another hardworking year and said: "Let the party commence!"

With best wishes to everyone, and see you in the New Year!