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Wellbeing Advocate Kathleen Pickett says: "Everybody will have different ways of coping during the shutdown; the key is to figure out what works best for you and keeps you feeling both physically and mentally healthy."

Here, Kathleen Pickett shares the three things that help her get through each day:

1. I only catch up with the news once a day

Since I’ve been home, I find that if I only listen to or watch the news either in the morning or the evening, it helps me keep a sense of perspective.

2. I like to get fresh air

I’m trying to do some form of outdoor activity every day. Ideally I’ll go for a local run, but sometimes I just sit in the garden watching the kids and play with the cats.

3. I'm trying to make the most of being with the family

Although I joke about tearing my hair out and it can be stressful juggling work and caring duties, I remind myself that in the midst of this difficult time for so many we, as a family, are blessed with this opportunity to spend time together. When our children look back, I’d like them to also remember this time with some warm memories of home schooling, baking, playing and painting fences together!

If you need help and support contact Kathleen at

Wellbeing links

  • Every Mind Matters focuses on mental wellbeing whilst staying at home including advice on staying connected with others, planning practical things, talking about any worries and looking after your body.
  • Coronavirus and your wellbeing - The charity Mind website provides 'practical advice for staying at home' and a checklist for doing so.
  • Carers UK has advice on protecting your mental wellbeing with a suggested wellbeing action plan to support keeping calm and well.

Connecting with others

  • A ChemConnect Microsoft Teams chat group has been set up for assistant staff to stay in touch with each other. Just ask if you're not sure how to access it.
  • Zoom is widely used for meetings, chats and quizzes amongst families, friends and colleagues. Don't forget the video is optional! A regular Zoom teabreak takes place every Tues and Thurs 10.45am - 11:30am, all welcome to pop on for a quick catch up (Meeting ID: 791 995 010, password: teabreak).
  • The BBC advice is to build in time away from social media.

Other tips

Regular exercise

See our page on what staff are doing to keep fit during the lockdown.

Laughter is the best medicine?

Support Services Manager Marita Walsh has been circulating weekly emails about daily life during the lockdown, including early morning dog walks and shopping challenges posed by her elderly neighbour Betty, and adorned with amusing photos, cartoons and video links. Perhaps these emails have been especially enjoyable because they reveal a side of Marita’s character of which many of us were previously unaware – her innate sense of humour and appreciation of life’s little absurdities. At any rate, they are immensely cheering for many in the Department – thank you, Marita!