Personal Air Quality Monitors
I work on the development of a wearable Personal Air quality Monitor (PAM) that can be used to obtain accurate exposure measurements of individuals in daily life. The PAM is highly autonomous and incorporates multiple sensors for gaseous pollutants, particulate matter and other environmental stressors. High spatiotemporal resolution is achieved via an integrated GPS which allows to assess the air pollution levels of an individual in their direct environment.
Air quality exposure studies in China
I am part of the AIRLESS1 project which aims to draw more reliable associations between personal exposure to air pollutants and adverse changes in cardiopulmonary responses and health outcomes during the heating and non-heating seasons in urban and rural settings in Beijing. Three main methodological novelties are employed in the project:
- the detailed assessment of personal exposure to air pollution in diverse indoor and outdoor environments
- the integration of time-activity profiles and activity-dependent inhalation rates to derive precise dose estimations
- a comprehensive collection of medical biomarkers to understand the underlying mechanisms of health responses to air pollution exposure.
My role in the AIRLESS study is to quantify the air pollution dose of each participant with the highest accuracy possible, considering the spatiotemporal heterogeneity of air pollution and individual activity-patterns within the cohort.
1 “Effects of air pollution on cardiopulmonary disease in urban and peri-urban residents in Beijing”, part of the international research programme "Air Pollution and Human Health in a Chinese Megacity" (APHH), joint-funded by UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
BSc and MSc in Chemistry, University of Potsdam, Germany
Chatzidiakou, L, Krause, A, Popoola, O A M et al. "Characterising low-cost sensors in highly portable platforms to quantify personal exposure in diverse environments", Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 2019 12, 4643–4657.
Krause, A, Zhao, J, & Birmili, W "Low-cost sensors and indoor air quality: A test study in three residential homes in Berlin, Germany", Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung Luft (Air Quality Control), 2019, 3(March), 87–92.
Avino S, Krause A, Gagliardi G et al. “Direct Sensing in Liquids Using Whispering Gallery Mode Droplet Resonators”, Advanced Optical Materials, 2014, 2(12), 1155-1159
Research Experience
- Chitose Institute for Science and Technology (CIST), Hokkaido, Japan (2 months, 2014)
- National Institute of Optics (INO), Pozzuoli, Naples, Italy (6 months, 2013)
- Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), Araraquara, Brazil (2 months, 2011)