How can I become a student visitor?
Agreement of research group
Before making any applications, please directly contact the research group you wish to work with and ask them if they would be willing to support your application to be a student visitor in the department. You can find out more about our research groups on our research pages and on the academic staff pages. You must have the consent of a research group before you proceed further.
Signed Student Visitor's agreement
You will require a signed Student Visitor's agreement prior to your visit. In order for the Department to proceed with a Student Visitor's agreement you will need to supply the following:
- A letter from your home institution confirming that:
- You are a registered student
- Your home institution approves your visit
- You will be returning to your degree at the end of the visit
- Your home institution transcripts
- Your CV
- Confirmation that you have secured funding to cover your living costs in the UK (please specify amount)
- Your English Language Proficiency certificates (IELTS or TOEFL) successfully completed within 24 months of your visit
Student Visas: International students here for more than 6 months
If you will be here more than six months and are from outside the UK or Ireland, in addition to the support of a research group and a signed Student Visitor's agreement, you MUST have a Student visa.
Student Visa requirements:
- To apply for a Student Visa, you will first need to obtain an ATAS certificate. It may take several weeks to get the ATAS certificate, so do ensure you apply well in advance of applying for your Student Visa.
- You must then submit your ATAS certificate to the International Student Office, who will then give you a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for studies) number, which you need to have before you apply for your Student Visa.
- The maximum length of the Student Visa is usually 12 months.
- If you would like to stay longer than 12 months, you may submit an academic case in advance supporting a visa of longer duration to the Student Mobility Committee.
- You can find out more about Student Visa requirements from the University of Cambridge Visa Advice service.
Visitor Visas: International students here for 6 months or less
If you are from outside the UK and Ireland and plan to study here for six months or less, you may use a Visitor Visa. Visitor visa requirements:
- Depending on your nationality you may require an ATAS certificate
- Remember, you will also need the signed Student Visitor Agreement as described above, and the agreement of a research group to support you.
- You must submit both the ATAS certificate and the Student Visitor Agreement to the Department of Chemistry, to obtain a supporting letter for your visitor visa application.
Contact us
If you would like to be a student visitor and need more information, or if you encounter questions or obstacles in your application process, we are here to help. Please contact us!