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Collaboration and Impact

Shankar Balasubramanian in lab

Our understanding of the role of the epigenome in disease has become a new weapon in the fight against cancer. Since DNA from cancer cells has a distinct epigenetic signature, a new technique developed by Professor Sir Shankar Balasubramanian and Professor Wolf Reik to detect the two most common epigenetic modifications at single-base resolution created the possibility to create epigenetic tests in cancer diagnosis. To exploit this technology, Balasubramanian co-founded Cambridge Epigenetix with Dr Bobby Yerramilli-Rao in 2012. The company launched its first product, TrueMethyl, in 2013, and the New TrueMethyl Whole Genome kit in 2016. 

Cambridge Epigenetix has undergone three successful rounds of venture capital funding, which has allowed the company to further develop a range of tools for epigenetic analysis. Currently located at Chesterford Research Park, Epigenetix had a turnover of £4.6million per annum as of 2020. The company is now focusing on its epigenetic biomarker discovery programmes, both in-house and in partnership with leading biopharma companies.