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Yusuf Hamied Department of Chemistry


Hi, I'm Loris (he/him)!

My academic life started at University College London where I did an MSci in Biochemistry (Purton lab). During the master's year, I worked on chloroplast gene expression in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, with the aim of building strong promoters for recombinant protein expression. The following year, I worked as a synthetic biologist for CyanoCapture, a carbon-capture company based in Oxford. There, I researched ways to enhance carbon fixation rates in fast-growing cyanobacteria.

Currently I am a PhD student in the labs of Dr Jenny Zhang (Chemistry) and Prof Chris Howe (Biochemistry). My project aims to understand the molecular mechanisms of coral bleaching, which to this date remain elusive.


Research Group

Telephone number

01223 763137

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