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Professor of Chemistry and Bio-materials

Photonic structures in Nature and Bio-mimetic Materials

Research Interests

Photonic structures in nature

Colour in nature is everywhere: animals and plants develop structures on sub-micrometer scale to manipulate light and to obtain brilliant and iridescent colours. This kind of colouration, named structural since it is not obtained using pigmentation, results from various mechanisms, including multilayered materials, crystalline inclusions and surface diffraction gratings. Pollia condensata fruits are one of the most striking examples of  strong iridescent colouration in plants. The colour is caused by Bragg-reflection of helicoidally stacked cellulose microfibrils, which form multilayers in the cell walls of the epicarp. The bright blue colour of this fruit is more intense than that of many previously described biological materials. Uniquely in nature, the reflected colour differs from cell to cell, as the layer thicknesses in the multilayer stack vary, giving the fruit a striking pixelated or ’pointillist’ appearance.

PNAS 109, 15712–15715, (2012)


Another striking example is the white of the Cyphochilus beetle which is native to South-East Asia, is whiter than paper, thanks to ultra-thin scales which cover its body. A new investigation of the optical properties of these scales has shown that they are able to scatter light more efficiently than any other biological tissue known, which is how they are able to achieve such a bright whiteness.

Scientific Reports 4, 6075 doi:10.1038/srep06075 (2014)


  1. BBSRC David Phillips fellowship
  2. Next Generation fellowship
  3. Isaac Newton Trust

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Selected Publications

[1] Pointillist structural colour in Pollia fruit

S. Vignolini, P. J. Rudall, A. V. Rowland, A. Reed, E. Moyroud, R. B. Faden, J. J. Baumberg, B. J. Glover, U. Steiner; PNAS 109, 15712–15715, (2012). 

[2] Controlled bio-inspired self-assembly of cellulose-based chiral reflectors 

A. G. Dumanli, G. Kamita, J. Landman, H. van der Kooij, B. J. Glover, J. J. Baumberg, U Steiner, S. Vignolini;  Adv. Opt. Mat. DOI: 10.1002/adom.201400112  (2014)

[3]Bright-White Beetle scales Optimise Multiple Scattering of Light

M. Burresi, L. Cortese, L. Pattelli, M. Kolle, P.Vukusic, D. Wiersma, U. Steiner, and S.Vignolini; Scientific Reports 4, 6075 doi:10.1038/srep06075 (2014)



Structural Color from Cellulose Nanocrystals or Chitin Nanocrystals: Self-Assembly, Optics and Applications
B Frka-Petesic, TG Parton, C Honorato-Rios, A Narkevicius, K Ballu, Q Shen, Z Lu, Y Ogawa, J Haataja, B Droguet, RM Parker, S Vignolini
– Chemical Reviews
Light in correlated disordered media
K Vynck, R Pierrat, R Carminati, LS Froufe-Pérez, F Scheffold, R Sapienza, S Vignolini, JJ Sáenz
– Reviews of Modern Physics
Light management by algal aggregates in living photosynthetic hydrogels
ST Chua, A Smith, S Murthy, M Murace, H Yang, M Kühl, P Cicuta, A Smith, D Wangpraseurt, S Vignolini
Edible cellulose-based colorimetric timer
G Kamita, S Vignolini, AG Dumanli
– Nanoscale Horiz
Topological invariance in whiteness optimisation
JS Haataja, G Jacucci, TG Parton, L Schertel, S Vignolini
– Communications physics
Liquid Crystal-Templated Porous Microparticles via Photopolymerization of Temperature-Induced Droplets in a Binary Liquid Mixture
M Patel, A Alvarez-Fernandez, MJ Fornerod, ANP Radhakrishnan, A Taylor, S Ten Chua, S Vignolini, B Schmidt-Hansberg, A Iles, S Guldin
– ACS Omega
Bioinspired Photonic Materials from Cellulose: Fabrication, Optical Analysis, and Applications.
RM Parker, TG Parton, CLC Chan, MM Bay, B Frka-Petesic, S Vignolini
– Accounts of Materials Research
Chiral Se Nanobrooms with Wavelength and Polarization Sensitive Scattering
J Kwon, TG Parton, Y Choi, SG Lee, B Frka-Petesic, J Lee, S Vignolini, J Yeom
– Advanced Functional Materials
Brilliant whiteness in shrimp from ultra-thin layers of birefringent nanospheres.
T Lemcoff, L Alus, JS Haataja, A Wagner, G Zhang, MJ Pavan, VJ Yallapragada, S Vignolini, D Oron, L Schertel, BA Palmer
– Nature photonics
Exploiting the Thermotropic Behavior of Hydroxypropyl Cellulose to Produce Edible Photonic Pigments
S Ming, X Zhang, C Chan, Z Wang, M Bay, R Parker, S Vignolini
– Advanced Sustainable Systems
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