Cyclic voltammetry (CV) is a type of potentiodynamic electrochemical measurement. In a cyclic voltammetry experiment, the working electrode potential is ramped linearly versus time. Unlike in linear sweep voltammetry, after the set potential is reached in a CV experiment, the working electrode's potential is ramped in the opposite direction to return to the initial potential. These cycles of ramps in potential may be repeated as many times as needed. The current at the working electrode is plotted versus the applied voltage (that is, the working electrode's potential) to give the cyclic voltammogram trace. Cyclic voltammetry is generally used to study the electrochemical properties of an analyte in solution.
Autolab Electrochemical Workstation
- Model: Metrohm / Eco Chemie Autolab PGSTAT12 Potentiostat/Galvanostat Electrochemical System
- Manufacturer:
- Specifications: Software - GPES version 4.9
- Location: Characterization room
- Responsible: Magda & Steve
- Training required: Training given by Magda or Steve.
- Booking: No booking is required
- Additional information:
- 3 electrodes (working Pt, referencing Ag/AgCl, and Pt wire as a counter electrode)
- 3 measuring vessels (5ml)
- 3 electrode’s holders