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Students interested in a PhD place in the Wales group should investigate the Cambridge Trusts and Gates schemes. More information is available from the Chemistry Department web site, the University web site and the Board of Graduate Studies. Please contact Prof. Wales if you plan to apply.

Our admissions team have a shared mailbox here they can answer administrative questions about language tests, eligibility, deadlines, etc.

Details of our  postgraduate admissions open days are here

The Chemistry Department has a limited number of PhD studentships available annually under the quota scheme. These pay all fees and living costs for British citizens but only fees for students from other EC countries. Interested candidates who expect to obtain a first class degree in theoretical chemistry or physics should contact David Wales.

Suitably qualified students who are interested in applying for the next round of Marie Curie fellowships are invited to contact Prof. Wales directly. A useful list of funding opportunities can be found at

Contact details: Prof. David Wales, Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge CB2 1EW (tel: 01223 336354; fax 01223 336362; email:

Most research in the Wales group involves the exploration of potential energy landscapes:


Sometimes the projects are difficult:


and it is always necessary to keep up with the literature


but Cambridge students receive an unprecedented level of support from their supervisors:




visitors from distant lands are carefully familiarised with local customs:


PhD celebration lunch for Dr Tetyana Bogdan and Dr Semen Trygubenko, 20th January 2006:

3IA Universite Cote d'Azur

Cover of Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics