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Centre for Experimental Biophysical Chemistry

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  • Currently displaying 1 - 20 of 1025 publications
Surface effects on functional amyloid formation
AJ Dear, G Meisl, CG Taylor, UC Palmiero, SN Stubbe, Q Liu, P Arosio, S Linse, TPJ Knowles, M Andreasen
– Nanoscale
Formation of Nanofibrillar Self-Healing Hydrogels Using Antimicrobial Peptides.
EG Wiita, Z Toprakcioglu, AK Jayaram, TPJ Knowles
– ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
α-Synuclein oligomers form by secondary nucleation.
CK Xu, G Meisl, EA Andrzejewska, G Krainer, AJ Dear, M Castellana-Cruz, S Turi, IA Edu, G Vivacqua, RPB Jacquat, WE Arter, MG Spillantini, M Vendruscolo, S Linse, TPJ Knowles
– Nat Commun
Dominance analysis to assess solute contributions to multicomponent phase equilibria
D Qian, H Ausserwoger, T Sneideris, M Farag, RV Pappu, TPJ Knowles
– Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Vortex light field microscopy: 3D spectral single-molecule imaging with a twist
B Zhang, S Daly, C Zhu, MO Lenz, LE Weiss, L-M Needham, R Peters, SF Lee, K O’Holleran
Thermodynamic profiles for cotranslational trigger factor substrate recognition.
TW Herling, AME Cassaignau, AS Wentink, QAE Peter, PC Kumar, T Kartanas, MM Schneider, LD Cabrita, J Christodoulou, TPJ Knowles
– Science advances
Protein Condensate Atlas from predictive models of heteromolecular condensate composition
KL Saar, RM Scrutton, K Bloznelyte, AS Morgunov, LL Good, AA Lee, SA Teichmann, TPJ Knowles
– Nature Communications
Protein Condensate Atlas from predictive models of heteromolecular condensate composition.
KL Saar, RM Scrutton, K Bloznelyte, AS Morgunov, LL Good, AA Lee, SA Teichmann, TPJ Knowles
– Nature Communications
Improved Imaging Surface for Quantitative Single-Molecule Microscopy.
YP Zhang, E Lobanova, A Dworkin, M Furlepa, WS Yang, M Burke, JX Meng, N Potter, RL Sala, L Kahanawita, F Layburn, OA Scherman, CH Williams-Gray, D Klenerman
– ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
Biomolecular condensates are characterized by interphase electric potentials
AE Posey, A Bremer, NA Erkamp, A Pant, TPJ Knowles, Y Dai, T Mittag, RV Pappu
α-Synuclein Oligomers Displace Monomeric α-Synuclein from Lipid Membranes.
G Šneiderienė, MA Czekalska, CK Xu, AK Jayaram, G Krainer, WE Arter, QAE Peter, M Castellana-Cruz, KL Saar, A Levin, T Mueller, S Fiedler, SRA Devenish, H Fiegler, JR Kumita, TPJ Knowles
– ACS nano
Hierarchical Protofilament Intertwining Rules the Formation of Mixed-Curvature Amyloid Polymorphs.
J Zhou, S Assenza, M Tatli, J Tian, IM Ilie, EL Starostin, A Caflisch, TPJ Knowles, G Dietler, FS Ruggeri, H Stahlberg, SK Sekatskii, R Mezzenga
– Adv Sci (Weinh)
The Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator Controls Tolerogenic Responses to Food Allergens in Mice and Humans
M Emmenegger, C Zografou, Y Dai, LR Hoyt, R Gudneppanavar, A Chincisan, H Rehrauer, FJ Noé, N Zajac, G Meisl, MM Schneider, H Nguyen, K Höpker, TPJ Knowles, M Sospedra, R Martin, AM Ring, S Leeds, SC Eisenbarth, ME Egan, EM Bruscia, A Aguzzi
Electrolyte‐gated organic field‐effect transistors with high operational stability and lifetime in practical electrolytes
D Simatos, M Nikolka, J Charmet, LJ Spalek, Z Toprakcioglu, IE Jacobs, IB Dimov, G Schweicher, MJ Lee, CM Fernández-Posada, DJ Howe, TA Hakala, LWY Roode, V Pecunia, TP Sharp, W Zhang, M Alsufyani, I McCulloch, TPJ Knowles, H Sirringhaus
– SmartMat
The role of shear forces in primary and secondary nucleation of amyloid fibrils.
E Axell, J Hu, M Lindberg, AJ Dear, L Ortigosa-Pascual, EA Andrzejewska, G Šneiderienė, D Thacker, TPJ Knowles, E Sparr, S Linse
– Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A
Electrolyte‐gated organic field‐effect transistors with high operational stability and lifetime in practical electrolytes
D Simatos, M Nikolka, J Charmet, LJ Spalek, Z Toprakcioglu, IE Jacobs, IB Dimov, G Schweicher, MJ Lee, CM Fernández‐Posada, DJ Howe, TA Hakala, LWY Roode, V Pecunia, TP Sharp, W Zhang, M Alsufyani, I McCulloch, TPJ Knowles, H Sirringhaus
– SmartMat
The delayed kinetics of Myddosome formation explains why amyloid-beta aggregates trigger Toll-like receptor 4 less efficiently than lipopolysaccharide
B Li, P Suresh, J Brelstaff, S Kedia, CE Bryant, D Klenerman
– eLife
The delayed kinetics of Myddosome formation explains why amyloid-beta aggregates trigger Toll-like receptor 4 less efficiently than lipopolysaccharide.
B Li, P Suresh, J Brelstaff, S Kedia, CE Bryant, D Klenerman
Biomolecular condensates with complex architectures via controlled nucleation
NA Erkamp, MAM Verwiel, D Qian, T Sneideris, FA Spaepen, DA Weitz, JCM van Hest, TPJ Knowles
– Nature Chemical Engineering
Co-aggregation with Apolipoprotein E modulates the function of Amyloid-β in Alzheimer's disease.
Z Xia, EE Prescott, A Urbanek, HE Wareing, MC King, A Olerinyova, H Dakin, T Leah, KA Barnes, MM Matuszyk, E Dimou, E Hidari, YP Zhang, JYL Lam, JSH Danial, MR Strickland, H Jiang, P Thornton, DC Crowther, S Ohtonen, M Gómez-Budia, SM Bell, L Ferraiuolo, H Mortiboys, A Higginbottom, SB Wharton, DM Holtzman, T Malm, RT Ranasinghe, D Klenerman, S De
– Nature Communications