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Investigating Layered Electrically Conductive Metal-Organic Frameworks For Supercapacitor Applications
J Gittins
Revealing Ion Adsorption and Charging Mechanisms in Layered Metal-Organic Framework Supercapacitors with Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
CJ Balhatchet, JW Gittins, S-J Shin, K Ge, X Liu, T Trisukhon, S Sharma, T Kress, P-L Taberna, P Simon, A Walsh, AC Forse
– J Am Chem Soc
Capturing Carbon Dioxide from Air with Charged-Sorbents
H Li, ME Zick, T Trisukhon, M Signorile, X Liu, H Eastmond, S Sharma, TL Spreng, J Taylor, JW Gittins, C Farrow, SA Lim, V Crocellà, PJ Milner, AC Forse
– Nature
Understanding Electrolyte Ion Size Effects on the Performance of Conducting Metal−Organic Framework Supercapacitors
JW Gittins, K Ge, CJ Balhatchet, P-L Taberna, P Simon, AC Forse
– J Am Chem Soc
Understanding Electrolyte Ion Size Effects on the Performance of Conducting MOF Supercapacitors
JW Gittins, K Ge, CJ Balhatchet, P-L Taberna, P Simon, AC Forse
Interlaboratory study assessing the analysis of supercapacitor electrochemistry data
JW Gittins, Y Chen, S Arnold, V Augustyn, A Balducci, T Brousse, E Frackowiak, P Gómez-Romero, A Kanwade, L Köps, PK Jha, D Lyu, M Meo, D Pandey, L Pang, V Presser, M Rapisarda, D Rueda-García, S Saeed, PM Shirage, A Ślesiński, F Soavi, J Thomas, MM Titirici, H Wang, Z Xu, A Yu, M Zhang, AC Forse
– Journal of Power Sources
Metal-Organic Framework Supercapacitors: Challenges and Opportunities
SJ Shin, JW Gittins, CJ Balhatchet, A Walsh, AC Forse
– Advanced Functional Materials
Interlaboratory Study Assessing the Analysis of Supercapacitor Electrochemistry Data
JW Gittins, Y Chen, S Arnold, V Augustyn, A Balducci, T Brousse, E Frackowiak, P Gómez-Romero, A Kanwade, L Köps, PK Jha, D Lyu, M Meo, D Pandey, L Pang, V Presser, M Rapisarda, D Rueda-García, S Saeed, PM Shirage, A Ślesiński, F Soavi, J Thomas, M-M Titirici, H Wang, Z Xu, A Yu, M Zhang, AC Forse
Microscopic Origin of Electrochemical Capacitance in Metal-Organic Frameworks
S-J Shin, JW Gittins, MJ Golomb, AC Forse, A Walsh
– Journal of the American Chemical Society
Enhancing the energy storage performances of metal–organic frameworks by controlling microstructure
JW Gittins, CJ Balhatchet, SM Fairclough, AC Forse
– Chemical Science
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