Frequently Asked Questions about Us
Q: What is the culture like in the group?
A: We're here because we love science, motivated to serve the community and tackle pressing global problems, and aspire to grow into the best thinkers/creatives/problem solvers that we can be. We want to do this whilst remembering to have fun along the way (check out our photo slideshow on the 'Home' page). We are very proud of our inclusive group culture, and our core values (co-created by group members) are:
- Cultivating growth mindset
- Achievements and mastery can be achieved through hard work and effort (not just from inherent talent)
- The willingness to learn from mistakes and find value in feedback
- The willingness to ask questions if unsure of something
- The willingness to seek out challenging tasks and take on risks - Open, clear and respectful communication
- Intellectual rigour (aiming for excellence, not perfection)
- Uphold research integrity (accountability, honesty, fair credit)
- Intellectual curiosity and creativity (we love to ask questions and think in original ways)
- Sustainability (both for the environment and for one's well being)
- Work/life balance (rest and play are important)
- Community, camaraderie, mentoring, collaboration, teaching (we look after each other)
- Celebrate difference and diversity (with action, not just words, see below)
Q: Does one need to be already good at electrochemistry / biology / technique 'x' to enter the group? What if I've never touched electrodes or biological cells before?
A: Short answer: no. Our group is made up of all sorts of experts, from biologists, physicists, chemists to engineers. You do not need to be an expert already in a specific technique/field to be successful in our group, but it does help if you can already bring in some skill set that complements what we do. Typically we can train you in electrochemistry, microbiology, or electrode fabrication if you are a beginner. Since everyone brings in unique skill sets to the group, we have a flat hierarchy, everyone takes turn leading meetings, and we are all helping each other to learn and push the frontiers of science to high standards. This is why having a growth mindset and a love for collaboration will be most useful when in our group.
Q: How does your group promote equity, diversity and inclusion?
A: Action is much more important than words and plans. These are the things that we're doing:
- Jenny is an ambassador in the international L'Oreal/UNESCO Women in Science Network, and actively engages in continued education in the form of coaching sessions/workshops/other media to constantly up-skill on how to better lead herself and others. Through this, she is constantly learning about best practices to cultivate inclusive research culture, from recruitment to leadership. She passes these on by mentoring high school students of underrepresented backgrounds in STEM (via the RSC Destination STEM program), her group members, and several postdocs and students in the University. She was appointed as 'Women's Champion' in a previous College for all her efforts in coordinating training events for women in her community.
- Jenny's science leadership style is more human-centric, where she places importance on the development of the individual to become a better scientist rather than solely focusing on delivery of scientific targets. Towards this, diversity and the unique strengths of individuals are recognised and celebrated; we recognise that the needs of everyone are different and success looks different for everyone. We're on the right track because Jenny won the 'Outstanding Supervisor Award' in 2024.
- The group is made up of a community of prosocial and proactive people who helps to run the Queer in Chemistry Network in the department, perform outreach to diverse communities, organise Christmas gift appeals to economically deprived parts of the UK, and so much more. We organise joint socials/events/workshops with other research groups to create the community that we want to be a part of. We also love collaborating with and learning from scientists in various parts of the world, and have projects with the Cambridge-Africa Alborada initiative.