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We are an interdisciplinary group working on air quality and climate. 

Read more at: Coordination chemistry in the atmosphere

Coordination chemistry in the atmosphere

Water is one of the main atmospheric components, present in the form of vapour, rain, cloud, fog droplets, and deliquescent atmospheric aerosols (hygroscopic aerosol at high humidity). The presence of a liquid water phase in the atmosphere promotes reactions that would not occur otherwise. One important class of reactions is complexation of metals by organic ligands.

Read more at: Paleoclimate reconstruction from organics in ice cores

Paleoclimate reconstruction from organics in ice cores

Ice cores have provided information on the past atmosphere on a time scale dating back to 800,000 years ago. We are interested in terrestrial and marine biogenic emissions, their atmospheric fate and potential information they can unfold when found in ice cores from the polar regions.

Read more at: Greenhouse Gases Emissions

Greenhouse Gases Emissions

The goal of sustainable agriculture is to meet society's food and textile needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In the Centre for Landscape Regeneration we use novel, low-cost methodologies to assess greenhouse gases emissions with a focus on protecting the Fenlands, expanding habitats in the Cairngorms, and protecting the Lake District as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Read more at: Indoor Air Quality

Indoor Air Quality

Air pollution epidemiology has so far primarily relied on fixed outdoor air quality monitoring stations and static populations which cannot capture the high heterogeneity of personal exposure, as individuals move between different microenvironments spending as much as 90% of their time indoors at home and school/work.

Recent Publications

The INGENIOUS project: towards understanding air pollution in homes.
N Carslaw, J Aghaji, SH Budisulistiorini, DC Carslaw, L Chatzidiakou, RW Cheung, TJ Dillon, P Edwards, D Genes, C Giorio, JF Hamilton, E Ikeda, RL Jones, J Lee, AC Lewis, A Kumar, R McEachan, G McFiggans, T Murrels, N Pleace, A Ruangkanit, Y Shao, SP O'Meara, DR Shaw, M Shaw, D Waiblinger, T Warburton, S West, C Wood, T Yang
– Environmental science. Processes & impacts
Uncovering the effect of fires in Jambi, Riau, and South Sumatra on PM2.5 concentration levels in Greater Kuala Lumpur during September 2019 transboundary haze pollution
J Murulitharan, A Archibald, C Giorio
From sediments to the atmosphere: a mass spectrometry approach revealing structural dissimilarities of common NOM components
A Zherebker, O Babcock, R Vasilevich, C Giorio
A global multidimensional analysis of air pollution in land, sea, and air transport cabins reveals substantial health risks
H Wang, W Wei, K Wang, H Kong, CL Zilli Vieira, P Koutrakis, S Huang, J Xiong, C Giorio
– One Earth
A method for quantification of fatty acids in ice cores and sea-ice cores using liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry
S Johnson, R Smith, E Thomas, C Giorio
– ACS Measurement Science Au