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Current Postgraduate Students

Supervisor guidance

You may already be aware of Moodle resource available to support supervisors of postgraduate students: Supervising Postgraduate Students Moodle. The site brings together a wide range of policies, guidance and advice into a single point of reference for supervisors. Supervisors are strongly encouraged to familiarise themselves with the site and bookmark it for easy reference when needed.

Particularly relevant materials to support you in your role include:

a)  Codes of Practice - The University has two Codes of Practice specifically relating to postgraduate students: the Code of Practice for Research Students. The code sets out the expectations of students, supervisors and others involved in postgraduate student matters.
You should meet with your students to discuss the relevant Code, then each sign a copy to confirm you have done so.

b)  Research and Resources form - You are encouraged to complete the Research and Resources form with your student at the start of their research project to set expectations about access to resources and frequency of meetings. If you have a new student starting this year, please take some time to discuss these matters with them and jointly complete the form.

c)  When to Refer guide: The University has prepared a comprehensive resource for staff in faculties and departments to signpost students to appropriate pastoral support.

d)  Cambridge Students website: Although primarily aimed at students the website contains guidance that you might find useful on matters such as intermission and working away.

Supervision reports

University Regulations require Principal Supervisors to write a termly report for each of their students. Supervisors are also expected to comment on any self-evaluation reports submitted by their students in MT.

Supervision reports are an important tool for the support of both student and supervisor. A written record of progression is valuable for students; it reinforces verbal feedback, formally recognises positive progress and provides constructive feedback. You can use reports to highlight students’ need for additional support or to comment on specific concerns and how they are being managed. Appropriate support from Department/College can help resolve reported issues at an early stage before they become a bigger problem. Where more serious problems do arise, the reports provide important background evidence.

If you do not already do so, can you please be attentive to the reporting requirement each term.

  • You should receive email reminders to submit reports through CamSIS from division of term until your reports are all submitted or the reporting window closes (day before the new term starts).
  • If you are unsure how to complete a report please refer to the CamSIS guidance on Moodle or ask Postgraduate Team, if you require any further advice.

  • Degree Committee is required to monitor report submission rates and take appropriate action where reports are missing. In extreme cases Degree Committees may decide to decline any new offers of admission under a supervisor who is not meeting the reporting requirement.