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Solar-Driven Chemistry from Natural to Artifical Photosynthesis & Organic Photocatalysis

My group is interested in chemical aspects of Energy and Sustainability, in particular the conversion of solar energy into renewable fuels and high-value organic chemicals. Thus, electro- and photocatalysis are central to our work at the interface of synthetic chemistry, materials and nano-science, chemical biology and engineering. A central theme is the study and mimicry of natural processes such as plant photosynthesis and enzymes relevant for light-driven chemical synthesis. 


Solar-driven Reforming of Lignocellulose to H2 with a CdS/CdOx Photocatalyst Nature Energy20172, 17021.

Competing Charge Transfer Pathways at the Photosystem II-Electrode Interface Nature Chem. Biol. 201612, 1046.

Electrocatalytic and Solar-driven CO2 Reduction to CO with a Molecular Mn Catalyst Immobilized on Mesoporous TiO2 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201655, 7388.
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