Find a computer with Octave installed. Place 3 files in the same folder: - calculation script (resolve.m) - interactive input script (interactive.m) - output generation script (writecsalists.m) Open a terminal. Here's a typical session. $ octave GNU Octave, version 3.0.1 [GNU blah] octave:1> interactive How many rotor cycles? 2 or 3. 3 <--- n F1 SW in Hz? 32000 <--- sw spinning rate in Hz? 5750 <--- wr F1 TD points? (half of actual used) 32 <--- nsteps Xmax (chi/anisotropy max)? .24 <--- Xmax [output is shown, can escape with "q"] octave:2> showcsalists [shows a nicer version of CSA lists. Useful for checking all is well. again can escape with "q".] octave:3> writecsalists [writes out the VC and VD lists in the current directory. Sometimes need to reload directory to see.] octave:4> exit If you tweak a parameter you can simply type octave:x> resolve to generate a new list. For further information, refer to Robin Orr's thesis and 2D-CSA paper. 1 R. M. Orr and M. J. Duer, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 2006, 181, 1-8.